Learn Dog Grooming

Learning how to groom a dog may be intimidating for a first-time dog owner. It is a simple process, but you must be thorough to be sure your canine is fresh and clean.
  1. Brushing

    • First, brush your dog's hair. The type of brush you use depends on the breed of dog. For example, if your dog has a thick coat of hair like a husky or an akita does, you need an undercoat rake. This will remove a lot of dead fur before the cleaning process begins. If the dog's coat is thin and smooth like a doberman's or a Staffordshire terrier's, a slicker brush will get rid of dead fur. If your dog has long hair like a cocker spaniel or schnauzer does, then use an anti-tangle comb to get rid of knots and tangles.

      Brushing does not only have to be done before grooming or cleaning and it is helpful if you brush your dogs fur at least once a week. It stimulates their natural skin oils and produces a healthy shiny coat.

    Bathe And Towel Dry

    • After brushing or combing your dog's fur, place the dog in a sink or a bathtub. Pour some water on the dog and wash thoroughly using a soft shampoo that contains a moisturizer. Rinse well and be sure all traces of shampoo are removed so the dog does not develop dry skin. Pat the dog dry with a bath towel after rinsing. Brush its fur to remove any excess dead hair. If your dog has long hair, wait until it is dry before brushing. Fur that is long and wet is more susceptible to breakage.

    Trim And Clean Ears

    • Once you have cleaned the bulk of the fur on your dog's body, it is time to focus on the ears. Trim fur inside the ears for a more thorough cleaning. Use an ear cleaning solution specifically for dogs. Use cotton balls to clean the larger part of the ear and Q-tips for smaller nooks within the ear. Be careful not to go too deep into the ear canal as this can cause pain or hearing loss.

    Clip Nails

    • Do not use traditional scissors to clip your dog's nails. Use trimmers that are designed specifically for dogs. Hold one paw firmly and clip off the tip of the nail. Do not cut the quick. This is the blood vessel in the nail and can hurt your dog if it is clipped. Always clip the nails after cleaning them because this helps the quick be more visible. Once the nails are trimmed, file them to a smooth, round shape with a dog nail file.