About Dremel Tools for Dogs

Trimming your dog's nails is an important part of its regular grooming. Nails left to grow to long can break and cause pain and bleeding. Long nails that break off may also splinter like a hang-nail creating more pain for your pet. There are several ways to keep your dog's nails trim, but one of the more popular ways is to use a dremel to file down the nail.
  1. What Is A Dremel Tool For Dogs?

    • A dremel nail grinder looks a bit like a power screw driver unit with a tiny sander drill head attached instead of a screw driver bit. Dremels can be either powered by an electrical cord or operate by batteries. When the power is turned on, the small rotating sander spins. Some dremels are available with varying speed levels.

    How To Use A Dremel Tool For Dogs

    • Clean your dog's nails and dry them completely prior to grinding them. At first, you may have to get your dog used to the sound and feel of the dremel. Do not traumatize your dog by rushing it or forcing it to accept the tool. During your regular grooming sessions turn the tool on and let it run for a few minutes. If your dog is scared or fights you, turn off the dremel and trim its nails using a clipper or other method. Repeat during the next grooming session until the sound no longer scares it. Apply slow and gradual pressure to the tip of a nail with the sander portion of the dremel. Again, stop as soon as there is any sign of fear or desire to fight from your dog. Regular sessions will teach your dog there is nothing to fear from the dremel. Sand the nail back as far as you would normally clip.

    Styles And Where To Buy

    • The most common type of dremel nail grinder is simply a cylindrical hand-held unit that fits in the palm of the groomer's hand. There are a few models that are molded to be more ergonomic. The ergonomic units are usually a little more expensive but a good choice for professional groomers or owners with multiple pets that will be using it often.

      Some pet stores carry dremel nail grinders. Some grinders are sold through TV ads or spot ads online and in magazines. Online pet supply companies are often a better choice than local stores or spot ads because they offer a wider selection of available grinders. That helps you get a tool specifically suited to your desires and purpose.


    • Dremel nail grinders for dogs start at around $25 and can run as high as $150 for multi-speed units. Don't use price as the only basis for your purchase. Consider how often you will use the tool, how many dogs you own, and how sturdy the unit appears. Also decide if having the extra ability to control the speed of the tool is important to you. Buying the best dremel you can afford will give you a longer lasting device with more power and ability to make your dog as comfortable as possible during use.


    • It is very easy to get carried away with a dremel because it sands so quickly. Be careful not to go too deep and grind into the quick (the vein that runs partway down the nail of your dog). Watch carefully as you grind and stop immediately at the first sign of blood. Do not let blood be your only guide to depth of the grind. Know where you want to grind to on the nail when you start. The heat and grinding action of the sander may hit the quick and cauterize at the same time so that you do not see blood when the vein is hit. Instead, you may end up going even deeper into a wider section of the vein before you see blood begin to flow, at which point it will be very difficult to stop the bleeding without the aid of a veterinarian. If this happens, wrap the paw tightly and apply pressure while getting your dog to the vet as quick as possible. Clip the hair around your pet's nails before grinding to keep it from getting caught and pulled during filing.