Skunk Odor Removal Recipe

There is nothing worse than your dog coming into your home after being sprayed by a skunk. The stench is putrid, and worst of all, almost impossible to get rid of. While many methods claim to get rid of the skunk smell, often they simply dull it.
  1. Old Methods

    • Some of the most popular ways to get rid of skunk odor include bathing your pet in tomato juice, spraying the pet with orange citrus or lemon juice and using agents that mask odor, such as Febreze. While some of these methods may temporarily get rid of the odor, it will most likely creep back once the Febreze or juice has worn off.


    • Mix the following ingredients together: 1 tsp. of dish soap or liquid soap; 1/4 cup of sodium bicarbonate (or baking soda); 1 qt. of hydrogen peroxide (3 percent) or vinegar. Once the ingredients are mixed together, shampoo your dog with the mixture. Rub it into the coat thoroughly, then follow with a rinse of cool water. Repeat a couple of times to get the smell completely out. Do not let the mixture sit too long; it's best to use it soon after it's mixed.


    • Skunk odor not only smells bad, but if sprayed directly into your pet's eyes, it can also cause temporarily blindness. If your pet gets sprayed in the face, take him to the veterinarian immediately.