How to Remove Pine Tar Gum From Dog Fur

Every once in awhile, your dog is going to brush up against something or lay on something that will stick to its fur. Pine tar gum is one of these things. It is a sticky substance found in a pine tree. It has many uses, including preserving wood and healing various skin diseases. If your dog gets pine tar gum on its fur, you will need to remove it. You can't just pull off the gum--it would damage the dog's fur and pull at its skin. There is a way to remove the pine tar gum and keep your dog's fur intact.

Things You'll Need

  • Ice
  • Knife
  • Olive oil
  • Washcloth
  • Dog shampoo
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      Take an ice cube and work it over the pine tar gum until it becomes very hard. Then scrape some of it off with a knife. You should be able to get off the majority of the gum. Just be careful that you don't cut the dog's fur with the knife.

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      Use your fingers to work olive oil into your dog's fur where the pine tar gum is stuck. Take your time doing this and make sure you get the oil in the area surrounding the pine tar gum.

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      Use a washcloth to begin pulling the rest of the pine tar gum off of the dog's fur. Start at the root and pull outward. You may need to add some more olive oil to the washcloth to get the pine tar gum to slide off.

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      Fill your bathtub a quarter of the way with lukewarm water. Place your dog in the water and shampoo him with the dog shampoo of your choice.

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      Rinse the dog off, dry her fur, and brush her fur so that she is clean and back to normal.