Things You'll Need
- Baking soda
- All-natural dog shampoo
- Apple cider vinegar
- All-natural dog treats
Mix together some all-natural dog shampoo (try the Earthbath brand) with about 1 cup of apple cider vinegar. This can actually be used for whatever you are cleaning or washing, whether it is your laundry, or your own hair.
Wash your pet thoroughly, and don't miss any spots. Make sure to rub the shampoo and vinegar mixture with your fingertips so that you massage the skin, and get the shampoo into the hair's roots. This includes a good rinse off too, making sure to wash out all excess cleaning materials.
Dry your pet off immediately after, and make sure to do a good job of it. This will get rid of excess oils, bacteria and dirt that may still be clinging to your dog's fur.
Offer your dog an all-natural dog treat. Greenies is a great brand. Dog treats are not just tasty to your pet, they also clean out its mouth, so the bacteria that causes bad breath can be killed off.
Talk to your vet about what food to provide your dog. There might be a chance to improve its diet, which could lead to a much better smelling animal.
Sprinkle baking soda liberally onto carpet or furniture that may have a bad dog smell. This is an all-natural product that will absorb the smell, and can be vacuumed up after a few hours.