Natural Flea Treatments With Lemons

Fleas are more than just stubborn, irritating creatures. They are also vectors for diseases that pose a threat to people and pets alike. Although a wide range of commercial treatments deal with fleas, many have been found to be toxic by the Environmental Protection Agency (See Resources). Luckily, a number of natural flea treatments can be used just as effectively with little or no toxicity. Lemons are one of the most widely used of these natural alternatives.
  1. Limonene

    • Lemons contain high levels of an active chemical compound called limonene, which is a natural flea deterrent. It also kills fleas on contact.

    Lemon Oil

    • Extracted from the rind of lemons, lemon essential oil can be used as a natural flea treatment. Simply place a drop or two of lemon oil at the base of the pet's neck, between the shoulder blades. Alternatively, put a drop of this essential oil onto the dog's collar.

    Homemade Insecticidal Spray

    • A homemade flea treatment can be made from lemons. Simply steep a finely sliced lemon overnight in hot water. Apply the repellent onto your pet's skin once or twice a day using a sponge or spray bottle.

    Lemon-based Pet Products

    • A number of manufacturers offer flea treatments formulated from lemons. Mirapet Flea and Tick Mist, for example is made using lemons and contains limonene to kill fleas without the use of chemicals.


    • When using any lemon flea treatment, take care to avoid contact with the pet's eyes and any open wounds or scratches.