How to Make Herbal Shampoos for Dogs to Repel Fleas

Neem is an effective natural insecticide and is an ideal ingredient to use in herbal flea shampoos. The natural plant extract is approved by the Environmental Protection Agency for use as an agriculture pesticide and recommended by veterinarians for natural flea control. Neem kills and repels fleas without harming dogs or humans.

Things You'll Need

  • 8 oz. mild shampoo or liquid castile soap
  • 12 oz. shampoo bottle
  • 1/2 oz. neem oil
  • 1 oz. aloe vera gel
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      Pour 8 oz. of gentle shampoo or liquid castile soap into a 12-oz. bottle.

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      Add 1/2 ozof neem oil to the shampoo or liquid castile soap. Neem oil is an extract from the Azadirachta indica tree. It is a natural environmentally friendly insecticide that is toxic to fleas, ticks and other insects. The extract is non-toxic to dogs and humans. Neem oil is also beneficial to the skin as an antifungal and antibacterial agent.

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      Add 1 oz. of aloe vera gel to the shampoo mixture. Aloe vera is a skin soothing ingredient, which is beneficial in treating dermatitis caused by flea allergies.

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      Shake the shampoo bottle to mix the ingredients.

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      Wash your dog with the neem shampoo. Be careful to avoid your dog's sensitive eyes and nose. Allow the lather to sit on your dog for one minute before rinsing off; the lather will kill the existing fleas. Thoroughly rinse your dog to remove the shampoo from the fur. The neem oil scent will remain on your dog's fur and repel new fleas from infesting your dog.