How to Get Rid of Fleas on Small Dogs

Getting rid of fleas on small dogs is a simple process, but does require persistence. For your dog to be free of fleas, it is important to get rid of the adult fleas as well as flea eggs. To prevent re-infestation, it is necessary to treat the environment as well as the pet.

Things You'll Need

  • Flea comb Bowl of soapy water Topical flea treatment, recommended by your veterinarian Perimeter flea treatment, recommended by your veterinarian Clothes washer and dryer Vacuum cleaner
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      Gather up all of your small pet's bedding. Small pets are often permitted on furniture. If your small dog is allowed on the bed or couch, these areas will need to be treated as well. All of your pet's bedding that is machine washable should be placed in the washing machine and washed in hot water. A cycle through a hot washer and dryer will kill any adult fleas or eggs that may be hiding in the bedding.

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      Vacuum the area thoroughly. If you have a serious flea problem, it makes sense to devote time to vacuuming the entire house. If your problem is not that severe, concentrate on the areas where your pet hangs out. If he is permitted on furniture that is not machine washable, vacuum it thoroughly. Take your time and go over each area several times. Empty your vacuum in an outside container or otherwise dispose of the bag immediately.

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      Spray the inside and outside of your house thoroughly with a perimeter spray. Your veterinarian can recommend a spray that is effective yet unlikley to cause an adverse reaction with you or your pets. If you have small children, you may want to send them to a friend's house to play for several hours after you apply the flea spray.

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      Comb your pet. A flea comb is specifically made for removing fleas. The teeth are very close together, and it will capture fleas and flea eggs. Have a bowl of soapy water on hand to rinse the comb with. The soap breaks the surface tension in the water, so that the fleas will sink. Without the soap, the fleas can jump off of the surface of the water and back onto your pet.

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      Once you have removed as many fleas as possible with the flea comb, bathe your pet thoroughly. While flea shampoos are effective, if you let your pet soak with soapy water on him for at least 10 minutes you will find that most of the fleas drowned, and you can easily rinse them down the drain. It is important to wash your small pet thoroughly. Any spots that you miss, such as behind the ears or the belly, will become a refuge for fleas.

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      Apply a topical flea treatment. These treatments typically kill fleas in all of its life cycles and are very effective. Each veterinarian has their own preference and can recommend their favorite. Many are available over the counter as well. Frontline and Sentinel are two popular choices. Read the directions carefully. Most topicals recommend waiting at least 24 hours after a bath before applying for best results.