How to De-flea a Newborn Puppy

Imagine you come home to your newborn puppy and discover it has fleas! fleas can be very dangerous to young puppies under 12 weeks of age and may even be fatal. Always consult a vet prior to any treatment options.

Things You'll Need

  • Frontline for puppies
  • Puppy with fleas
  • Flea comb
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      First you will need to clean the puppy as much as possible.

      If it is old enough for a bath, then take that option.

      Then air dry the puppy completely

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      Purchase a flea comb from your local pet store. Flea combs are small toothed combs that the fleas get caught in. Use a flea comb on the puppy and remove as many fleas as possible. Fleas tend to hide most around the ears, neck, tail, and private parts.

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      With the permission with a veterianarian, place one, only one, drop of Frontline Flea Prevention on the puppy's neck, just above the shoulder blades and allow the solution dry completely. Don't let the puppy touch the solution.

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      Fleas should being to disappear within 24 hours.

      Take notice of the tips below and also begin to de-flea your house as well.