How to Clean a Pug's Facial Wrinkles

A great deal of a pug's charm is due to its facial wrinkles. They give the dog a unique personality and expression. If left uncared for, however, these folds can become a habitat for bacteria, debris, leftover food pieces and anything else the pug puts its face near. This causes the pug's skin to become irritated, and often leads to a foul smell. If cleaned properly one to two times per week, however, the owner can avoid these symptoms and give the dog the care it needs to be healthy.

Things You'll Need

  • Malacetic wipes or solution
  • Dog treats
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    • 1

      Purchase some malacetic wipes at a local pet store. These wipes are ideal because the acids they contain are acidic enough to kill bacteria, but not to the degree that they will irritate the skin.

    • 2

      Call your pug to a familiar, comfortable area, like a dog bed. This is important because you want the dog to think of cleaning as a positive event.

    • 3

      Get down to the pug's level, take a wipe and gently pass it across your pug's top facial wrinkle.

    • 4

      Work your way down its face systematically, being sure not to wipe too close to the eyes or nose. The wipes do not irritate skin, but they may cause irritation to these areas.

    • 5

      Give your pug a small treat once the cleaning is finished in order to teach the dog that it will receive a reward if it is cooperative.