How to Brush a Chihuahuas Teeth

Diseases of the mouth are the most common disease in our dogs. It is also one of the most preventable and treatable diseases. Fortunately, we can reduce and prevent periodontal disease by feeding our dogs crunchy dog foods and snacks, and brushing their teeth daily. While brushing a dog's teeth isn't terribly difficult, some dogs require a little special attention. Extremely small dogs, such as Chihuahuas, may require a much smaller toothbrush and a more gentle approach.

Things You'll Need

  • Veterinary toothpaste
  • Child's toothbrush
  • You dog's favorite treat
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      Pick a time of day that you can do the cleaning each day. If you do it immediately before one of your pet's daily walks, your dog may be more cooperative. By keeping the routine constant each day, you can actually help your pet look forward to it.

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      Offer your dog a taste of the veterinary toothpaste. This should be done a couple of days before you start the brushing regimen. This will allow your dog to start to enjoy the flavored paste. Put a little on your finger and rub it gently around your dog's mouth and gums. For a small dog such as a Chihuahua, the amount that you use should be about the size of a pea. Don't use more than directed, as it may upset your dog's stomach.

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      Repeat the process with a child-sized toothbrush, angling the brush slightly up, so the bristles get under the gum line. Go in a slow, circular motion, starting in the back of the mouth on the larger teeth. These areas are the most prone to disease and decay. The whole process should take you less than 30 seconds.

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      Talk to your dog in a kind, calm voice while you brush. Many Chihuahuas are hyperactive, and the soothing sound of your voice will help to keep them under control. Dogs love positive reinforcement. After you're done brushing, offer your dog two treats. This will make the dog happy and eager for the next brushing.