How to Choose a Dog Grooming Clipper

Dog grooming can be easy and painless for both you and your pet with the right clippers. A quality pair of clippers will last through years of grooming and cut fur quickly and efficiently. Clippers are available in all different price ranges, features and styles. Choosing the right one for your dog takes a little research. Here is a guide to help you select the clipper that meets your needs.


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      Decide if you need the clipper for touch-up trims in between professional cuts or for full grooming. Will you be your pet's groomer? Dogs with short or thin fur are easy to groom at home. Dogs with thick or curly fur are best groomed by professionals. A dog who is extremely fearful of grooming may accept grooming from an owner better than a stranger. If you plan to groom your pet exclusively, you need a professional clipper with more speeds and features. Basic clippers with one speed work well for dog owners who will only trim the dog's fur occasionally in between grooming visits.

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      Learn about dog clippers. Look up dog clipper information on-line and in pet supply catalog to find out features and price ranges. Go to the library and glance through dog care books for any information on clippers. Don't rely on product descriptions alone. Read product reviews on-line to get a true feel for clipper quality and performance. Once you understand the range of products available, you can make an informed decision and avoid overpaying or purchasing an unsuitable clipper.

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      Get an expert recommendation. Ask your dog's veterinarian or groomer to recommend a clipper. Some veterinarians and groomers recommend certain brands for strong reasons. When you receive a recommendation, ask the expert what makes the clipper better than other types. Be sure to let the expert know how often you will use the clipper. She might recommend a basic clipper and a professional clipper based on your needs.

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      Make a decision about clipper speed. Do you need one speed or two speeds? A single speed is generally enough for thin and normal fur. A single speed clipper can work for most grooming needs. Thick fur generally needs a higher clipping speed. You may also want a dual speed clipper if you groom your dog frequently.

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      Determine ease of use. Is the clipper user-friendly? You want to consider blade removal and attachment, the shape, available speed, clipping performance, sturdiness, maintenance and heating issues. Choose a clipper with an ergonomic shape to fit your hand without straining your wrist, elbow and arm. Look for clippers that have an easy way to remove and attach blades. You want a clipper that is easy to maintain and will not get too hot in your hand during clipping. Make sure the clipper is sturdy and will not break easily if you accidentally drop it. Product reviews are good places to look for information on a clipper's performance and quality.

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      Think about noise level. Will a loud clipper annoy you and scare your dog? Quality clippers generally feature quiet, fast motors. Look for clippers with quiet motors to keep your dog comfortable during grooming.

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      Consider clipper maintenance issues such as overheating and oiling. Some clippers overheat easily. These clippers often have fans and air vents to cool down the engine. The air vents easily get clogged with fur during grooming causing overheating. When overheating occurs, you have to pause the grooming in order to clean the fur out of the air vents. Then you must spray coolant on the blade to prevent burning your dog or yourself. Once the clipper and blades cool off, you can resume grooming. This can add time to the grooming process. A professional clipper with a cool running unit will save time and frustration. The cool running unit prevents the clipper from overheating and does not require coolant sprays.A basic clipper might require you to periodically dismantle and oil internal parts. Maintenance-free clippers were lubricated in the factory and do not require dismantling and oil applications. Only the detachable blades should require oil for cleaning and lubrication.

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      Take cords into consideration. Do you prefer cordless clippers? Cordless clippers make sense if you will be grooming your dog in an area that is far from an electrical outlet. Cordless clippers are also more portable.

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      Determine how much you want to spend on a clipper. Quality clippers generally range in price from $40 to $200, depending on the speeds and features. The amount you spend depends upon your need. Buy the basic clipper if you are only trimming the dog between professional groomings. You will have to spend more for professional clippers. Shop around for the best deals.

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      Learn the proper way to groom your dog. If you decide to groom your own pet, learn the best methods to take care of his fur type and the correct way to operate clippers and use grooming tools. Read a dog care book on grooming and ask your dog's veterinarian for tips. Knowledge of the correct grooming process can make grooming your dog a comfortable and rewarding experience.