How to Care for a Dog's Paws

Your canine depends on his paws for activities such as walking and playing. The paws are like hands and feet to your dog, and they carry him through all the adventures of his life. Many dog owners wonder how to properly care for their dog’s paws. Giving proper care will ensure your canine stays healthy. Here’s how to care for this important part of your loved dog.


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      Give your canine regular paw exams. Sometimes dogs will get hurt without their owner's knowledge. Some owners don’t notice until their dog start limping or having other symptoms. Preventive care is important in caring for your dog’s paws so give him an exam every other week. Have someone hold the dog in place while closely examining the paws of your canine. Talk to him soothingly while doing so to prevent him from getting worried.

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      Go easy on making your dog take a bath. We all want our dogs to smell fresh and clean, but bathing your dog too often can be harmful to your his paws. If his paws get dry, cracking can occur. Determining how often to bathe your dog will depend on his breed. Some dogs need a bath monthly while others should bathe every couple of months. If your dog has a dull coat, consider bathing him less often.

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      Trim his nails frequently. If a dog’s toenails aren’t trimmed frequently, they are more likely to tear. Keeping your dog’s toes trimmed will protect his paws.

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      Protect paws from outdoor elements. If you frequently take your canine on hikes or in the snow, consider purchasing dog booties. These will protect your canine from the elements.

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      Invest in paw conditioner. If your dog experiences paw cracking, consider purchasing conditioner. This will protect her paws from getting chaffed and cracked.