How to Care for a Dog's Hair

Watching the shiny coats of dogs featured on television may leave you wondering how to care for your canine’s hair. However, caring for a dog’s hair is about more than appearance, it can ward off hidden dangers like burs. Here’s how to properly maintain your dog’s coat.


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      Check your dog's coat frequently. Ask someone to hold your dog while you examine him from head to paws. Look for burs, matting and anything else that looks suspicious.

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      Brush regularly. If your dog has a dull coat, you may be able to add extra shine by brushing. This spreads the coat's natural oils which achieves a shiner coat. Brushing your dog weekly is also helpful to avoid matting in his coat.

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      Bathe your dog frequently. Bathing your dog often will help keep her healthy and smelling good. Many dog owners wonder how often they should bathe their canine. The answer depends on your dog’s breed. Some dogs require a bath weekly while others are fine with a wash every couple of months. If your dog has a dull coat, you may be bathing him too often. Through trial and error you can find the right bathing frequency for your dog.

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      Avoid snarls in your dog’s hair. Many dog owners are tempted to cut snarls or knots out of a dog’s coat. The problem with this strategy is that dogs wiggle quite a bit. If your canine moves while cutting out a snarl, you could accidentally harm him. Instead, use a matting brush to get the knots out of your dog’s hair.

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      Look for a canine conditioner. It may sound strange, but dog conditioner is great for creating a shiny coat. They key is using a product specifically designed for dogs. Products designed for humans can be too harsh. Be sure to find a product that won’t irritate your canine’s eyes.