How to Care for a Pug's Wrinkles

Your pug's wrinkles are arguably the cutest thing about him, but if you’re a pug owner you know how grimy and gross they can get after just a few hours of a pug's life. Because of your pug's smashed face, he’s literally forced to mess it up performing everyday tasks like drinking water and eating breakfast. Additionally, a pug's bug eyes are faucets for tears and eye mucus, which can get stuck in the tight wrinkles around his face. Keeping your pug's wrinkles clean is vital to his overall health, appearance and well-being. Here’s your guide to properly, safely and comfortably cleaning your pug's wrinkles.

Things You'll Need

  • Warm water
  • Washcloth
  • Baby wipes
  • Towel
  • Petroleum jelly
  • Treats
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      Start when he’s young. Training a pug to be brushed and cleaned is the same as training him to sit, stay and all those other tricks you began in his puppy days. The earlier you introduce regular cleaning and maintenance routines the more likely he is to cooperate with you in the future.

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      Clean her facial folds. While pugs have wrinkled necks and backsides, their facial wrinkles are the deepest and most prone to infections and chaffing. Neglected facial folds can lead to infections, which can be uncomfortable for your pug and are a hassle to heal. Your pug's face should be cleaned about 3 times a week, depending on her daily activities.

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      Give him a bath. The best time to clean your pug's wrinkles is during bath time. Once you’ve bathed the rest of his body, you can focus on his face. Take a soft washcloth and wet it with warm water and a bit of dog shampoo. Squish the washcloth to distribute the soap and then run the cloth through his folds, rinsing and repeating until the washcloth is clean after wiping. Rinse thoroughly and pat dry.

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      Use baby wipes. Because dogs should only be bathed about 3 times a year, you’ll need a maintenance plan for in between baths. Use non-scented and non-alcoholic baby wipes for this. Baby wipes are great for use on pugs because they are specially made for a baby's sensitive skin and are less likely to irritate your pug. Use the baby wipes just like the washcloth.

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      Moisturize. Because pug wrinkle maintenance needs to be performed regularly in order to be effective, you’ll want to aid in replenishing the moisture that can be lost by excessive cleaning. Petroleum jelly is a great treatment for dry skin and will not bother her. After cleaning and drying her face, apply a very thin layer of petroleum jelly to the inside fold above the nose. This is the most sensitive area on your pug. You do not need to apply petroleum jelly to any other folds.

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      Give him a treat. Cleaning your pug's face wrinkles should not be a punishment. Let him know that you’re happy he cooperated by rewarding him with a small treat or lots of love and affection. The more love you show, the more likely he is to continue to cooperate in the future.