How to Groom a Miniature Schnauzer

Part of being a responsible Miniature Schnauzer owner is having your pet groomed regularly. Schnauzers have very fine hair that tends to matt easily if not combed and trimmed regularly. With grooming prices on the rise, learning to groom a pet yourself will save you money in the long run.Don't skimp on grooming tools and equipment, the higher quality clippers and blades will pay for themselves in the long run.


  1. Grooming a Miniature Schnauzer

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      Gather all of the things you will need before placing the dog on the grooming table. This way you do not have to leave the dog unattended for any reason.

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      Place the Miniature Schnauzer on the grooming table and secure the pet with grooming straps if necessary.

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      Using a #9 or blade, start at the base of the skull and clip down the dogs back to the tip of its tail.

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      Clip around and on all sides of the tail, including around the anus. Do not run the clipper blade over the anus or make contact in any way. Make sure that the clipper blade is cool when clipping around this area in particular.