How to Brush Mats Out of Dog Hair

Mats in dog hair are unsightly, and if they are very large or tight, they can cause discomfort for your dog. Swimming, grass burrs and insufficient brushing can all cause mats. If you don't want to take your dog to a groomer, follow these steps to brush out or remove mats from dog hair.

Things You'll Need

  • Clippers and scissors
  • Slicker brush
  • Spray on detangler for dogs or children
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      Evaluate each mat as you work on it. First, if it's very close to the skin, you may need to shave it off with clippers. Too much brushing may cause pain for your dog. On the other hand, if the mat is very tight but mostly at the end of the hair you can simply cut it off. Be extremely careful when using scissors to cut a dog's mat.

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      Brush the remaining mats out of your dog's hair with a slicker brush. You can spray the mat with some detangling spray for dogs or children to help loosen the tangle. Grasp the mat near the skin so that you don't pull the hair. Gently brush the mat in the direction of the hair growth to loosen it. In other words, brush from the head to the tail.

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      Make small cuts in the ends of the mats or cut the ends off if they're very stubborn. Continue to try to brush the mats out. If you try unsuccessfully to get one mat out for more than 5 minutes, you need to remove it with the clippers.

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      Use compassion while brushing mats from your dog's hair. If he seems uncomfortable with the procedure or in any pain or discomfort, remove the mats with clippers or go ahead and spring for a visit to the groomer. Brush your dog regularly thereafter to prevent new mats from forming.