How to Prevent Matted Coats in Long Haired Pets

If you have a long haired pet you probably already know what a chore it can be to get the tangles out of your pet's matted coat. Getting your dog or cat to hold still while you try to untangle the fur is difficult enough. Then there is the actual matted hair to deal with which requires quite a bit of patience. Prevention is always the best medicine in any case. Keeping your pet's coat from becoming matted in the first place can help you avoid the frustration. Follow the steps below to keep your pet's fur from getting matted.

Things You'll Need

  • Comb
  • Brush
  • Pet Conditioner
  • Pet Detangler
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      Brush, brush and brush. A long haired cat or dog needs frequent brushing to avoid tangles. Brushing also helps dislodge loose hair which means less shed fur around the house. Brushing also helps keep your pet's fur shiny and soft. It helps distribute natural oils that keeps the coat healthy so make brushing part of your pet's regular routine.

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      Use a pet conditioner to keep your pet's coat soft and smooth. You can purchase one at your local grooming shop, pet store or ask your veterinarian to recommend one. The veterinarian's office may sell some products such as grooming aids also. It is usually sufficient to use a conditioner once per week. Be sure to use a conditioner appropriate for your pet type. For instance, don't use a conditioner made for dogs on a cat. Read and follow the instructions properly.

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      Try a detangler to get the knots out. There are detanglers made specifically for pets. These products can be a lifesaver when dealing with matted clumps of hair. Check with local pet stores, your veterinarian or groomer to find a good detangler for your pet.

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      Give your pet a good comb through. Although brushing is necessary for a healthy coat brushing may not remove all tangles from the undercoat. Purchase a proper comb for your pet's fur and comb through the coat thoroughly at least once a week.

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      Shampoo properly. Pets with long hair tend to get matted when they are wet. If you must shampoo your pet rinse thoroughly after lathering. Suds left in the fur can cause matting. Use a pet conditioner. Pat dry rather than rubbing which can tangle the fur. Comb through the fur gently while wet to remove any tangles. Use a detangler if needed. Once the fur is dry brush the coat thoroughly.