How to Brush Your English Bulldog

It's important to brush your English Bulldog's coat on a regular basis. Brushing improves the overall look and health of your dog's coat and should also help reduce shedding and itchiness. Follow these steps on how to brush you English Bulldog.

Things You'll Need

  • Rubber-bristled dog brush
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  1. How to Brush Your English Bulldog

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      Purchase a rubber-bristled brush at your local pet store.

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      Take your dog outside to be brushed. This way the hair it sheds during brushing will not be all over your house.

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      Holding the brush in your hand, make gentle strokes on your dog's coat, going against the hair's natural flow. This will help loosen any hair that is about to fall out. Once you have done the entire coat this way, begin making strokes in the direction of your dog's hair flow. Make sure to brush your dog's chest, stomach area and legs. Your dog will probably shed a great deal of hair during this process and it can take up to 15 minutes to remove the majority of the loose hair from your dog's coat. You may choose to follow with a bath.

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      Reward your dog with a bone for allowing you to brush it.