How to Keep a Dog Still While Clipping Its Nails

Keeping your dogs paws healthy is very important. A key to good paw health is proper nail maintanance. However, this need not result in a visit to the vet or dog groomer. This guide will show you how to make nail clipping enjoyable for both you and your pet.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog treats
  • Dog nail clippers
  • Corn starch (to stop any bleeding)
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  1. Getting Your Dog Used to Having His Feet Held

    • 1

      When you are playing with your dog or puppy, be sure to touch and massage his feet. Pick them up and hold them briefly, as this will help condition him to the idea of having his paws held and touched.

    • 2

      Once your dog is used to having his feet touched casually, it's time to progress to more direct manipulation. This can be accomplished using treats.

    • 3

      Gently take a foot in your hand, and give him a treat with your free hand while the other is still holding his foot. If he pulls his foot away, don't give him a treat until you're holding his foot again. Your dog will become more comfortable as you repeat the exercise and give more treats!

    • 4

      When you are able to hold your dogs foot for at least 30 seconds without a struggle, you are ready to start to trimming his nails.

    Clipping Your Dogs Nails

    • 5

      Find a comfortable position for both you and your dog and take his paw in hand.

    • 6

      Hold his paw gently but firmly, and press on the bottom of the pad. This will extend the nail and make it easier to trim.

    • 7

      Trim the nail below the quick. If the nail is light colored, you'll be able to see where the quick ends (the quick appears pink from the blood it contains). If the nail is dark, look for the place where the nail starts to curve downwards and narrow.

    • 8

      Clip a little bit at a time and then check by looking at the nail end-on. When you see a tiny black dot near the center of the nail, you're at the start of the quick and it's time to stop trimming.