How to Help Your Dog Have a Shiny Coat

A shiny coat is a sign of a healthy dog. Medical conditions, poor nutrition and the wrong shampoo can all cause your dog's coat to lose its sheen. Improving your dog's food or treating his allergies can clear up that lackluster coat in no time.


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      Take your dog to the vet and have the vet test for worms. A worm infestation can cause a lackluster and even brittle coat.

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      Check that your dog food contains Omega 3 fatty acids. Discuss the amount with your veterinarian. A fish oil capsule given each day may make a huge difference.

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      Discuss the possibility of allergies with your vet. Dog foods that contain corn or wheat are top suspects as those are likely the two most common allergies. Signs of allergies could be constant licking, scratching, runny eyes and hot spots.

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      Give your dog a teaspoon of virgin olive oil each day. This will help put on the shine and will also help alleviate dandruff and brittleness.

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      Use a dog shampoo when bathing your pet. Too many people think you can use human shampoo and our shampoo is just not PH-balanced for a dog's coat. Using human shampoo will dry your dog's coat out. If your in a pinch, Joy liquid dish soap (no lemon) can be substituted. The PH is close to dog shampoo.

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      Brush your dog. Just as with humans, daily brushing makes a big difference in hair condition. Go a big step further and brush your dog with a boar bristle brush for maximum results. They work like magic! (about $2 at Sally Beauty Supply stores!)

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      Use a product such as 'The Stuff'. This is an after bath spray that helps protect the coat from dirt and grime and makes cleanup of your pet easier. Very popular with the dog show crowd. (