How to Express a Dog's Anal Glands

Perhaps the most unpleasant task for a dog owner occurs during the grooming process. Expressing the anal glands of a dog can be difficult and downright disgusting, but proper care of these anal glands on a regular basis can prevent health problems that require veterinary care. While not all dog owners will want to be a "do it yourself-er" when it comes to this chore, with a little practice, it can be done quickly and efficiently with minimum mess and odor.


    • 1

      Prepare a bath for your dog. The secretions of the anal gland are highly unpleasant to smell, and the contents of the gland can spray out unexpectedly during expression. Expressing the anal glands in a tub allow you to perform this task and immediately control the mess and odor.

    • 2

      Locate the anal gland openings. Look at approximately 5 and 7 o'clock around the anus of the dog. They may be impossible or difficult to visualize.

    • 3

      Feel for the glands with your thumb and forefinger beneath the skin under the anal gland openings. The glands are about the size of a kidney bean. They may be enlarged if the sacs are impacted or infected.

    • 4

      Press in and squeeze with your finger and thumb in an upward motion. The goal is to get the gland under your fingers on each side, and force the contents to the surface and out the opening. You should use firm pressure, but not so firm that you cause discomfort to the dog. This step can be done with a warm washcloth or paper towel covering the anus to prevent the secretions from spraying.

    • 5

      Repeat Step 4 until you no longer notice the greenish or brownish fluid being expressed.

    • 6

      Wash the anal area thoroughly. The secretions of the anal glands can be transferred to your furniture, clothing or pet's bedding if it remains on your pet's coat. It is imperative to remove all of the odor from the dog after expressing the glands.