Choose the right shedding tool for your dog. A smooth coated Beagle needs a different brush than a furry Alsatian does. Read the label to get the right one or ask the salesperson at the pet store.
Brush your dog's coat deeply, allowing the bristles to rub against his skin underneath. Dog fur loosens at the hair follicle and you will remove hairs that are getting ready to fall out by brushing deeply. If your dog is uncomfortable, however, lighten up. Once you reach the skin level there is no need to press harder, it won't accomplish anything more.
Watch out for static electricity. Brushing a dog's coat in dry weather can cause static to develop, shocking you both. Try using a little anti-static spray, found in the laundry area of a superstore, on the brush to prevent this unwanted shocker.
Reverse direction when brushing your dog with a shedding tool. Start in one area and gently work backwards unless this bothers him. By bending the hair shaft in the opposite direction of its natural growth, hairs ready to shed slip out and gather on your brush.
Try a rubber grooming mitten as a shedding tool to attract the fine hairs left behind after brushing. Not only will your dog love the massaging end to his grooming session, the specially designed rubber nubs will catch and hold the extra fur.
Bathe your pooch with a gentle non-drying canine shampoo on a regular basis. Sensitive skin shampoos are good because they moisturize the skin, discouraging over-shedding. Use a good dog conditioner afterwards.