How to Groom a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever

Nova Scotia Duck-Tolling Retrievers greatly resemble the more famous Golden Retriever, but are much smaller in size. They have very thick coats which keep their bodies well insulated for swimming. The coat is usually red or orange with white spots on their feet, the tips of their tails and sometimes on their faces. They need a full grooming every 8 to 10 weeks.

Things You'll Need

  • Natural bristle brush
  • Slicker brush
  • Metal combs
  • Thinning shears
  • Coat gloss
  • Scissors
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      Brush out the coat frequently with a natural bristle brush, especially the thick undercoat which can be prone to knots or tangles. Use a slicker brush and metal comb as needed to work through more difficult sections. If you don't properly groom the undercoat, severe matting can develop. Removing the mats can cause your dog severe pain.

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      Use thinning shears to tidy up the coat, but leave the tail full. It should have some feathering, but you should clip stray hairs.

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      Bathe the dog as needed. Blow dry and hand fluff the dog's coat, but don't try to add any additional volume. The coat of the Nova Scotia is meant to be flat, although some dogs do have a natural wave in the middle of the back. Apply a mist of coat gloss to the body.

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      Trim the whiskers with scissors if desired.