How to Groom and care for an English Bulldog

English bulldogs are complicated animals and require quite a bit of knowledge to maintain.

Things You'll Need

  • This article, plenty of patience and elbow grease.
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      English bulldogs can be very high maintenance. Special attention must be paid to the dogs coat, ears, wrinkles and eyes.

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      As the dog gets to be about a year old you will likely see issues with the eyelids. Pay attention to irritation around the eyes, frequented scratching at or around the eye sockets. Eyelids will tend to roll inward (ectopic) or outward away from the eye ball. (entropic). Some may require surgery to reduce the slack of the eyelids skin.

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      Check between the toe claws for cuts. Dogs will pick up sharp rocks or glass and you may see bulging infected wounds. Take the dog to the vet in the event of infection. At the very least observe the area over the course of a few days. Flush the wounds with hydrogen peroxide if they appear inflamed or debris is lodged inside.