What Is the Difference Between Wire-Haired & Broken Coats?

Some people use the terms wire-haired and broken coat interchangeably to describe dogs with rough, bristly coats. There are certainly similarities. From a distance the coats appear to be the same texture. Neither type will shed as much as a smooth coat. However, the broken coat and the wire-haired coat types have a distinct difference.
  1. Broken Coats

    • While the coat on the body of this type of dog will be coarse, the hair on their face and ears will be smooth. Their muzzle may have a few long whiskers, but it is otherwise unlike the bristly coat on the dog̵7;s body. A broken coat should feel quite thick and hard to the touch. Because they do shed little, dogs with broken coats do not need much grooming.

    Wire-Haired Coats

    • The difference between a broken coat and a wire-haired coat is that dogs with wire-haired coats have rough hair all over their bodies, including their faces and ears. Dogs with wire-haired coats may shed a bit, but not nearly as much as dogs with smooth coats. If they̵7;re not regularly groomed their hair can grow long and collect dirt and debris. Owners may need to purchase a stripping comb or electric clippers to help keep their dog̵7;s coat short.


    • A stripping comb or electric clippers can serve both wire-haired and broken coated dogs. However, some owners don̵7;t like to clip the coat because they think it makes it look soft. As an alternative, owners can use their fingers to pluck out hairs that look dead or are sticking up. This rejuvenates a dog̵7;s skin and allows new, healthy hair to grow. Since this process can be time consuming, some owners choose to take their dog to a professional groomer.

    Breeds With Wire-Haired or Broken Coats

    • Many breeds can have wire-haired coats, broken coats or smooth coats. Jack Russell terriers and Patterdale terriers are two such breeds that can have any type of coat. Other dogs often considered wire-haired include German pointers, dachshunds, affenpinschers and Scottish terriers. Mixed-breed dogs can have wire-haired or broken coats and can be good pets for anyone who wants a dog who will shed little.