Trimming a Springer Spaniel

The name springer spaniel actually refers to two different breeds of dog, which are the Welsh springer spaniel and the English springer spaniel. The two breeds are very similar, however, and grooming tips that apply to one are also applicable to the other. Show-bred springer spaniels have longer coats than field-bred ones, and may require more frequent grooming.

Things You'll Need

  • Thinning scissors
  • Dog comb
  • Rubber gloves
  • Straight-edged scissors
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    • 1

      Trim the hair inside the ears with thinning scissors -- to about 1/2 inch -- to allow airflow. Hold the scissors flat to the ears, and keep snipping until most of the hair has been trimmed down. Do the same with the hair near the ear canal, roughly one-third of the way down the earflap. Be careful, as this is a sensitive area on any dog. Use a comb to remove the cut hair.

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      Use the thinning scissors to trim the hair on the outside of the ear -- from the top of the earflap to about one-third of the way down the ear. Hold the scissors flat against the outside of the ears, and repeatedly cut with the scissors until most of the hair has been trimmed down to 1 to 2 inches in length, depending on your preferred length. Then use the comb to collect the cut hair.

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      Put on rubber gloves, and pluck any dead hair off the top of the dog̵7;s head. Dead hair on the top of a springer spaniel̵7;s head will stick up and turn a lighter shade. Pull repeatedly at the lighter hair until there is no more of it sticking up. The rubber gloves help with gripping the hair.

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      Trim the hair on the throat and chest with thinning scissors. Hold the scissors flat against the throat and chest, and snip repeatedly at the hair. The thinning scissors will trim a small amount of hair with each cut. Use a comb to remove the cut hair.

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      Trim the hair on the feet with straight-edged scissors. Pay special attention to the bottom of the feet, and any hair growing between the toe pads. Gently pull the hair out to its full length, and cut the hair as close as toe pads as possible.