1.It Feels Good:
For many dogs, scratching in specific spots like their tail base, the body along the spine, and the lower back can be highly enjoyable and pleasurable. The combination of pressure and stimulation activates nerve endings and sensory receptors in the skin, providing a satisfying sensation similar to a massage.
2.Reflexive Response:
Scratching certain areas can trigger a reflexive response known as "scratch reflex" or "scratch response". This reflex involves rapid back-and-forth jaw movement and neck stretching. It's an involuntary reaction to intense pleasure or excitement, and it's often accompanied by other signs of enjoyment, such as wagging the tail and leaning into the scratcher.
3. Skin Twitch Response (STT):
When you scratch a dog in a particularly sensitive spot, it can trigger a skin twitch response. This reflex is characterized by a sudden contraction and relaxation of the skin in the scratched area. The teeth chattering and neck stretching are often associated with this response as the dog tries to reach and bite the stimulated spot.
4. Itching Relief:**
Scratching your dog in certain areas may provide relief from itching or irritation caused by factors such as fleas, allergies, or skin conditions. The teeth chattering and neck stretching could be an expression of relief and pleasure from the relief of itchiness.
A relaxing feeling can come from scratching a dog's favorite spot. As muscles relax, the dog's body language may change, and they may stretch their neck and exhibit a relaxed posture.
It's important to note that while teeth chattering and neck stretching are usually indicators of enjoyment, they can sometimes be signs of discomfort or pain in some cases. If your dog displays any sudden changes in behavior or vocalization, it's best to consult a veterinarian to rule out any underlying health conditions.