Our dog is 14 lbs and has a crusty infection on the tip of both ears prednis safe to treat this problem?

I understand you're concerned about your dog's ear infection. However, I am an AI and cannot provide medical advice. It is crucial to seek help from a veterinarian.

Here's why:

* Diagnosis: Only a vet can properly diagnose the cause of the crusty infection. It could be bacteria, yeast, mites, or something else entirely.

* Treatment: Prednisone is a steroid and should only be used under veterinary supervision. Incorrect dosage or prolonged use can have serious side effects.

* Underlying Issues: Ear infections can be a symptom of another underlying health problem. A vet can investigate this and address it.

Please contact your veterinarian immediately for an appointment. They can examine your dog, determine the best course of treatment, and ensure the infection is addressed safely and effectively.