If it is been 2 years of your time how many has in dog years?

It's a common saying that one human year is equal to seven dog years, but that's not entirely accurate. The conversion rate actually depends on the dog's age.

Here's a simplified way to calculate dog years:

* First year: 1 human year = 15 dog years

* Second year: 1 human year = 9 dog years

* After the second year: 1 human year = 5 dog years

So, if it's been 2 years of your time, that would be:

* 15 dog years for the first year

* 9 dog years for the second year

Total: 24 dog years

However, keep in mind this is just a general guideline. Each dog ages differently based on breed, size, and health. To get a more accurate estimate, consult with a veterinarian.