However, here are some potential reasons why your Boston Terrier might cough after drinking water, and why it might resemble a hairball:
* Tracheal Collapse: Boston Terriers are prone to this condition, where the windpipe collapses, especially when inhaling. Drinking water quickly can trigger this, leading to coughing.
* Kennel Cough: This contagious respiratory infection can cause coughing, especially after drinking.
* Allergies: Allergies can cause inflammation in the respiratory system, leading to coughing.
* Foreign Object: If your dog has swallowed something small, it could be irritating their throat and causing coughing.
What to do:
* Observe your dog: How often does it happen? How severe is the cough? Are there other symptoms like sneezing, lethargy, or loss of appetite?
* Contact your veterinarian: They can examine your dog, assess the symptoms, and determine the cause of the coughing.
Important: Don't wait to see if the coughing goes away on its own. Seek professional help to ensure your Boston Terrier gets the best care possible.