What if you dog walks or plays on his leg he is limping on?

It's very concerning if your dog is limping and then puts weight on that leg while walking or playing. This could indicate several things:

* Ignoring pain: Dogs are very good at hiding pain. Your dog might be trying to appear normal despite the injury.

* Re-injury: Putting weight on the leg could be making the injury worse, leading to increased pain and potential further damage.

* Aggravation: Even if the injury is healing, putting weight on it too soon or too forcefully can delay the healing process.

Here's what you should do:

1. Limit Activity: Immediately restrict your dog's activity. This means no running, jumping, or playing. Keep them calm and resting.

2. Observe: Pay close attention to your dog's behavior. Is the limping getting worse? Are they showing signs of pain like whimpering or reluctance to move?

3. Contact a Vet: It's crucial to contact your veterinarian as soon as possible. They can assess the situation, determine the cause of the limp, and recommend the best course of action.

Possible reasons for limping:

* Soft Tissue Injury: Muscle strains, ligament sprains, or tendonitis can cause limping.

* Bone Injury: Fractures or bone infections can cause pain and limping.

* Joint Issues: Arthritis or other joint problems can cause pain and stiffness.

* Other Conditions: Limping can also be a symptom of various other conditions like infections, tumors, or neurological problems.

It's important to remember:

* Do not attempt to diagnose or treat the limp yourself. Only a veterinarian can provide proper medical care.

* Avoid giving your dog any pain medication without consulting your veterinarian.

* Be patient and follow your vet's instructions carefully for a full recovery.

By taking these steps, you can ensure your dog receives the best possible care and has a chance to recover fully from their injury.