What happens to a dog who doesnt pant?

It's important to remember that dogs pant as a normal and essential part of their thermoregulation. They don't "not pant" in the same way a human might choose not to breathe.

Here's what can happen if a dog can't pant effectively due to a medical condition:

* Overheating: Panting is how dogs cool themselves down. Without it, their body temperature can rise dangerously, leading to heatstroke. This can be fatal.

* Respiratory distress: If a dog is unable to pant due to an obstruction in their airways, it can lead to difficulty breathing.

* Other underlying medical conditions: A dog's inability to pant properly can be a symptom of a larger health issue like a heart problem, neurological disorder, or even poisoning.

If you notice your dog is not panting when they normally would, or if they seem to be struggling to breathe, seek immediate veterinary attention.

Here are some situations where a dog might not pant as much as usual:

* They are very young or very old: Puppies and senior dogs might not pant as much as adult dogs.

* They are in a cool environment: Dogs pant less when it's cooler.

* They are very calm or inactive: A dog that is resting or sleeping will pant less.

However, if you see your dog panting excessively, with their tongue hanging out and their mouth open wide, it's a sign they are overheated and need immediate cooling measures.

Always consult a veterinarian if you have any concerns about your dog's panting or breathing.