Dog Eating Holes in the Wall

Even though your pooch has plenty of toys, he continues to mosey over and chew right through your walls. Many things can cause this quirky and destructive habit. Get Buster in for a checkup right away to ensure he̵7;s not suffering from some kind of medical condition. Once you get a clean bill of health from the vet, go through and doggy-proof your home so Buster can̵7;t destroy it anymore.
  1. Causes

    • If Buster is young, his chewing could be caused by teething. Puppies generally get their last adult teeth in around 6 months of age, reports the Dog Owner̵7;s Guide. He̵7;s not trying to make you angry by nibbling on the wall, he is in pain and that wall is the closest thing he can chomp on. Some dogs eat objects that aren̵7;t really edible, a condition known as pica. The exact cause of pica is unknown, but it may stem from a nutritional imbalance. His body is telling him that he needs some kind of nutrient, so he eats the drywall, siding or licks the paint off the wall. Pica could also make your pup eat very undesirable things, like his own feces. Of course, Buster could just be bored and he̵7;s learned that chewing on the wall gets you to come over and pay attention to him -- that̵7;s all he wants.

    Why It̵7;s Dangerous

    • Having holes in your walls makes your serene environment look like a construction scene very quickly. But aside from the aggravation it causes you, chewing holes in the wall can actually be harmful for your canine friend. If he gnaws on a sharp edge, he could slice open his gums. Then if he actually swallows that piece, it can be just as dangerous in his digestive tract. Pokey objects could tear the lining of his bowels or cause an obstruction, warranting a costly emergency trip to the veterinarian.

    Making Him Stop

    • Keep an eye on Buster at all times when you̵7;re home, meaning if you̵7;re in the kitchen making dinner, he needs to be in there with you. But dogs can be sneaky and he may wander off to chew on the corner of the wall as soon as you turn your back. Pick up a bottle of bitter spray from the pet shop. Add a few squirts of bitters to the spot where he normally chews. The next time he scurries over, he̵7;ll quickly figure out that the wall tastes bad and won̵7;t want to chew there anymore. Sometimes a few dabs of hot sauce works just as well. Apply the product several times a day until his chewing ceases.

    Additional Tips

    • When you leave the house, secure Buster in a crate so he doesn̵7;t get right back in to his chewing habit. Burn his energy as much as possible. Take him for a long walk before work or play an invigorating game of fetch. He̵7;ll be too pooped when he gets back inside to even think about chewing on the walls. He should also have a variety of enticing rubber toys you can stuff with food, balls and squeaky toys to play with. When you do catch him heading to his favorite chewing spot, make a loud noise to distract him and put a toy in his mouth to replace the bad behavior with a good one that you want to encourage.