What Are the Benefits of Backpacks for Dogs?

All dogs need plenty of daily exercise for developing healthy muscles and providing mental stimulus. Canine backpacks enhance the benefits of walking, giving your pet added mental and physical health benefits. Dogs over 2 years old can carry 10 to 20 percent of their body weight, distributed evenly on both sides of their body. Start with an empty pack, and gradually add weight as your dog gets used to carrying it.
  1. Increased Exercise

    • Your dog will develop increased muscle mass and build stamina wearing a weighted backpack when you take walks together. The increase in exercise will help him maintain a healthy weight. If you have a busy schedule, you can still find time for a healthy walk, in half the time. A 20-minute walk twice a day will provide the same benefits as two 40-minute walks without the backpack.

    Change in Attitude

    • Dogs, like people, feel a sense of pride when they have a job to do. For working breeds this is essential, providing the emotional satisfaction of a job well done. The simple act of carrying and balancing the weight of the pack gives them a job to focus on. Your dog can carry his own bowls, water, food, treats, toys and first aid kit. Collapsible dog bowls are perfect for backpacks.

    Change in Behavior

    • Dogs who are bored tend to exhibit destructive behavior, chewing furniture and scratching at doors and windows. Strenuous exercise wears them out and calms them down. Hiking while wearing their backpack gives them a way to release excess energy, and gives them a feeling of importance. They focus on carrying the pack and are less likely to pull and sniff as you walk. At home after walking they are calm, worn out and satisfied.

    Choosing a Backpack

    • Dogs under 2 years old aren't done growing and shouldn't carry a pack because of the risk of joint injuries. Look for a backpack that is well designed, lined for comfort and has three adjustment straps -- one across the sternum, one around the chest and one under the belly. Proper fit is based on your dog's weight. Pouches should be on the sides, not the top, with the heaviest weight close to his shoulders.