Can Dogs Eat Angel's Trumpets?

If you own a dog, knowledge about the safety of any plants either in your garden or inside of your home is an absolute must. Though angel's trumpets (Datura suaveolens or Brugmansia suaveolens) may look 100 percent pleasant and innocuous, the flowering plants are toxic to your furry friends.
  1. Dogs and Angel's Trumpets

    • It is in no way safe for dogs to eat angel's trumpets. The sweet smelling plants can bring upon poisonous effects in your pet, reports the ASPCA. The hazard is due to a handful of its key elements -- think scopolamine, hyoscyamine and atropine. If your dog eats angel's trumpets in excess, these alkaloids can endanger not only his cardiovascular and nervous systems, but also his digestive tract. If you observe any indications of malaise in your dog, whether related to these functions or not, immediate veterinary help is of the essence.

    Entire Plant

    • All sections of angel's trumpets are poisonous to dogs, according to the Blue Mountain Humane Society. The seeds are especially perilous. Whether your dog munched on the stem or on the bloom, however, he could experience toxic effects, so take him in for veterinary care immediately. Do not wait around, and do not assume that the stems, for instance, are any safer just because they're not the seeds.

    Other Names

    • Angel's trumpets are frequently known by a handful of other names, which include trumpet vine, datura and chalice vine. If you are familiar with all of these plants' various monikers, it may be easier for you to help your sweet doggie avoid ever being close to them.

    Poisonous to Humans

    • Not only are angel's trumpets a serious danger to pets, they're also dangerous to human beings, as well. As with canines, all segments of angel's trumpets are toxic to people, notes the University of Wisconsin Hospital at Madison. If a person accidentally eats the plant, she may incur some negative effects including oral dryness, nausea and unusual feelings of giddiness. If a person consumes angel's trumpets in any capacity, urgent medical assistance is vital.