When Dogs Are Puppies, Do They Sleep a Lot?

If your sweet new puppy spends the bulk of his day sleeping, don't be alarmed. Similarly to "people" babies, young puppies are asleep more often than they're not. Don't compare a puppy's sleeping schedule to that of a fully mature dog, because their requirements aren't the same, plain and simple.
  1. Newborn Puppies

    • Newborn puppies are serious sleepers, and their sleep requirements, indeed, are massive. Up until a puppy reaches approximately 2 weeks in age, expect him to spend roughly 90 percent of his total time asleep. During the remaining 10 percent of his time, the little one either will be getting groomed or eating -- not a very tough life at all.

    Slightly Older Puppies

    • As puppies get a little older in age, their sleep requirements wane slightly. Once a pup is about 3 months old, his daily sleeping time should be somewhere in the range of 15 to 20 hours, according to the Eagle Valley Humane Society. Although enviable to most humans, these hours still have nothing on the previous 90 percent requirement.

    Sleeping Benefits

    • Abundant sleep is integral to the proper growth and mental development of puppies, according to AAHA Healthy Pet. Although it may seem like your sleepy puppy isn't doing much in his cozy little bed, his mind and body actually are hard at work. If you're worried that your puppy sleeps too much, pay attention to his behavior while he actually is awake. If he seems energetic and alert, that's a good sign. If he's drinking and consuming meals properly, that also is a strong indication of health. If you do, indeed, have any concerns about your puppy's seemingly excessive sleeping patterns, however, do not hesitate to speak to your veterinarian about it, especially if Junior spends more than 90 percent of his time in dreamland.

    Bathroom Breaks

    • If your puppy can sleep for extended periods of time without waking up to go to the bathroom, don't panic. Puppies generally are capable of remaining asleep for around 7 hours and not requiring a bathroom break, notes the Humane Society of the United States.

    Adult Dog Sleep Requirements

    • When it comes to sleep, adult dogs are not lightweights themselves. Fully mature canines require somewhere between 12 and 16 daily sleeping hours. However, this figure may vary depending on the canine's overall physical condition and breed type.