Neem oil
Oil from the neem tree repels fleas. Neem oil can be used to control fleas and ticks in dogs. It is made from the fruits and seeds of the neem tree and has been used as a natural remedy in India for hundreds of years. It can be used as a shampoo, spray or rub, and neem soap is also available. You can buy ready-made neem spray or shampoo, or mix your own to ensure all natural ingredients are used. Dogs should be sprayed or washed every seven to 10 days during tick and flea season, and their bedding can also be sprayed.
Rose Geranium Essential Oil
Use rose geranium oil solution on the collar to repel ticks. Ticks can cause a lot of damage to your dog, but a few drops of a homemade solution on their collar will repel ticks. Mix two tablespoons of vegetable or nut oil with 15 to 20 drops of rose geranium essential oil and shake thoroughly in a small jar. Almond oil works well as a base, as the sulphur in it is also a repellent. The mix will keep for around six months.
Garlic can be used to eliminate worms. Garlic is a natural anti-parasitic for killing and preventing worms in dogs and people. Fresh, raw garlic is best and should be chopped and mixed with the dog̵7;s food. Use a quarter clove for a small dog, half for a medium-sized dog and a whole clove for a large dog. Feed once a day for six or seven days in a row, and a followup once a week to prevent reinfestation. Use with caution as too much can cause anemia.
Pumpkin Seeds
Health benefits of pumpkin seeds go beyond getting rid of worms. Freshly ground pumpkin seeds can be used to get rid of tapeworms, roundworms and other intestinal parasites. Dogs can be dosed three times a day for a few days until they are worm-free. Small dogs need a dose of around 60 grams while very large dogs require 500 grams per dose. Sprinkle the powder on the dog food, or mix in as a paste. The seeds also provide dogs with a nutrient boost and can aid in urinary tract health.
Natural Anti-Parasitics for Dogs
Dogs are prone to a variety of external and internal parasites. External parasites include fleas, lice, mites and ticks, while internal parasites include tapeworm, roundworm and heartworm. Most store-bought treatments for parasites contain chemicals that can be quite toxic and result in side effects. Many people prefer to use natural alternatives to control parasites.