Dogs may not realize that their ears are frozen. They can't tell you that they hurt, and sometimes it's not visible until the damage is already done. If your ears are cold, chances are that your dog's ears are cold and need protection. Some type of protection is needed, especially for dogs with little or no fur or hair around their ears. Almost any type of cover will do. Craftspeople make special products for dogs to protect their ears, but you can use almost any product if it fits your pet.
Stocking Hats
Stocking hats, also called snoods, such as those knitted with long strings at the bottom work well to protect your dog's ears. At first, dogs tend to scratch or paw at anything on their head, but if you tie the hat securely around its head, your dog will be more likely to leave it alone. Find a stocking cap, such as the type that snowboarders wear, with the long tails on it. Stretch it over the dog's ears and tie it tightly at the bottom. Make your dog wear it for a few minutes before you leave the warmth of your interior space until it gets accustomed to it.
Craftspeople make special earmuffs for dogs, but any earmuffs will work if they fit your dog's ears and head. Not only are dogs' heads in many sizes and configurations, but they also have different-sized ears. Try to find the wraparound-style earmuffs with a padded band that goes over top of the head. Place it on your dog's head. If its ears are too long, stuff them inside the earmuffs or find bigger ones. Your dog might be slightly distracted by the earmuffs at first, so take your pet for a run to divert its attention from them.
Old-Fashioned Ear Warmers
You can make old-fashioned dog ear warmers from socks if you're pressed for a short-term solution on a frigid day. Your dog may not like wearing your socks very much, but you can tape the socks on its ears if necessary. Alternatively, secure the socks with coated rubber bands, if your dog will permit it. This solution should only be used in emergencies, or if you notice that your dog already has frostbite on its ears and you must act fast.