How to Make Driftwood Safe for Animals to Chew On

Many animals have an instinctive desire to chew on things. For some, this controls the growth of their teeth, adds fiber to their diet or it can simply give them pleasure to get their teeth into something. Many animals and pet owners alike see driftwood as a good source of chewable treats, but this might not be the case, and some driftwood might put animals in danger if chewed on.


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      Avoid giving any kind of wood to dogs. Dogs that chew wood can end up with a range of health problems because of splinters, which can cause very serious problems, such as damaged mouths and perforated intestines. Some fish, guinea pigs and birds are among the animals that like to chew on wood and can do so with no ill effects, but check with your pet store about the specific breed and species you are looking after.

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      Collect driftwood only from private land and from sources you know to be free from chemical pollution. It is almost impossible to confirm this with ocean driftwood, so collect your driftwood from rivers far from human habitation.

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      Avoid any driftwood that has come from mad-made structures as it may have been treated with chemicals that will harm your animal. Use natural wood and select only from species of wood that are safe. If you cannot identify the wood, do not use it.

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      Thoroughly scrub the wood and then boil it in a pot for two hours. Remove and let it air dry. This will kill off any harmful pathogens contained in the wood and will help leach out tannin that might harm fish if the wood is kept in an aquarium to be chewed on by fish and other aquatic species.