How to Prevent Flea Bites on Dogs

Fleas cause misery for the dog and the entire family. These blood-sucking insects hide in your dog̵7;s fur, bed linens, carpets, upholstery and any cracks they can find. Fleas do more than cause a dog discomfort, they cause health issues as well. The dog may have an allergic reaction known as dermatitis, which results in skin infections. Fleas can cause hair loss, anemia, or red skin and scabs. Many remedies exist to control fleas on your dog. Before choosing one, consult your veterinarian.


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      Purchase shampoos, sprays or dips formulated to kill fleas on contact. These items eliminate fleas already on the dog and soothe itching, but they don̵7;t prevent future outbreaks.

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      Apply a liquid spot treatment to the skin between your dog̵7;s shoulder blades. Available treatments include Advantage, Topspot or Frontline. Once applied in a small area, the liquid spreads to the dog̵7;s entire body and kills fleas within one to two days. Some products continue killing fleas for up to three months.

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      Comb the dog on a daily basis with a flea comb, to remove any that remain.

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      Give your dog a flea control pill. After ingesting the tablet, his body releases lufenuron. The flea ingests the substance when he bites the dog, preventing eggs from hatching. Pills available include Program, Capstar and Sentinel. You can obtain pills only through a veterinarian.

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      Use an egg control flea collar that contains methoprene and pyriproxyfen. Like the flea control pill, these collars also prevent eggs from hatching.

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      Control flea infestations already in your home, to keep them off your dog. Purchase foggers, insecticides, sprays, powders and carpet shampoos formulated to kill fleas. Use them on the dog̵7;s sleeping area and any other places where flea infestation is evident such as carpets, rugs and bedding.