How to Remove Tissue Glue From Dog Hair

Tissue glue is a medical adhesive used to close a wound. This medicinal glue is a more cosmetic form of wound repair, not as unsightly or painful as sutures. Tissue glue allows the wound to to heal more naturally. However, when the wound heals, the adhesive should be removed. But this is not as simple with canines as it is with humans because a dog may become excitable or apprehensive during the cleaning.

Things You'll Need

  • Vegetable oil
  • Plastic cup
  • Fine-tooth comb
  • Pet shampoo
  • Towel
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    • 1

      Fill a plastic cup half-way with vegetable oil. Dip a plastic, fine-tooth comb into the vegetable oil.

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      Brush through the fur with the vegetable oil soaked comb, gently and slowly from the root to the tip, trying to go with the natural direction of the hair. Dip the comb in the vegetable oil and comb the hair over as necessary, until all the adhesive has been removed from your dog's fur.

    • 3

      Rub shampoo over the cleaned fur, wetting it with your palm and massaging the hair. Then rinse with plain water.

    • 4

      Dry your dog and inspect her fur carefully for any remaining tissue glue.