How to Heal Chapped Lips on Dogs

Dogs, like their owners, can suffer from chapped lips. According to the Dog Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook, outdoor and hunting dogs are particularly prone to suffering from chapped lips after contact with tall brush and weeds. Dogs with certain health conditions, such as canine atopy or periodontal disease, are also prone to chapped lips. If your dog has chapped lips, you can ease your dog's discomfort with a simple home remedy.

Things You'll Need

  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Water
  • 2 washcloths
  • Antibiotic steroid cream
  • Aloe vera gel or petroleum jelly
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  1. Instructions

    • 1

      Prepare a hydrogen peroxide solution using one part hydrogen peroxide and five parts water. Soak one washcloth in the solution.

    • 2

      Apply the hydrogen peroxide solution to your dog's lips using the washcloth. Dry your dog's lips to remove any excess solution, using the second washcloth.

    • 3

      Apply the antibiotic steroid cream to your dog's lips. Use your finger to rub the cream into the chapped area.

    • 4

      Continue to apply the hydrogen peroxide solution and antibiotic steroid cream to your dog's lips once a day until the chapping is relieved.

    • 5

      Apply aloe vera gel to your dog's lips daily to avoid chapped lips. Petroleum jelly can be substituted for aloe vera gel.