How to Move With an Old Dog

Moving house can be a stressful time for everyone involved. Older dogs in particular have difficultly with changes to their routines, and moving to a new home can be a difficult time. However, you can help them adjust and settle into their new home by following a few simple steps.


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      Offer your older dog a familiar toy to help him deal with the change.

      As soon as you arrive, give your dog as many familiar objects from your old house as possible. Familiarity brings comfort, so before you start unpacking, make sure the older dog has his bed, blanket and a favorite toy, and ensure his things are in the same position as in your previous house.This will offer him comfort and a sense of security in his new home, and lower his stress level.

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      Older dogs will naturally look to you for reasurrance in your new home.

      Spend time with him. An older dog will be feeling anxious, and might be suffering from separation anxiety from no longer being in his old house. Having you with him as much as possible will offer him comfort and reassurance. Dog's are also pack animals, and he will look to you as the leader of the pack for protection during unsettling experiences.

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      Keep to the same walking and feeding schedule. Older dogs are particular sensitive to changes in their daily routines, and your dog will be feeling uneasy being in a new home. By trying to offer him as much regularity as possible, you will help him relax and adjust quicker to his new home.

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      Closely monitor your dog's health. Stress and anxiety can cause problems for older dogs, including excessive barking, house soiling and increased aggression. If such behavior, or anything else unusual, continues for more than a few weeks take him to a veterinarian.