How to Run With an Airedale Terrier

Jogging together with your Airedale terrier is a great way for you to get exercise while burning off all of your dog's excess energy. Airedales were originally bred to hunt otters and other small prey, and they can run and play for hours without running out of steam. This makes them excellent for agility competitions, but not especially well suited to the sedentary lifestyle many house pets lead. You can keep your Airedale happy and healthy by taking it along on runs on a regular basis.

Things You'll Need

  • Harness
  • Leash
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      Wait until your Airedale is at least 11 months old before you begin jogging together. Puppies are still growing and running can place too much stress on young joints.

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      Take your Airedale to a pet store to get it fitted with a harness. A harness will distribute pressure over your dog's body instead of tightening around its neck like a collar will.

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      Find a trail or park at which to jog. Cross country jogging is much healthier for your Airedale than jogging on pavement.

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      Put your dog on a leash. Airedales have a strong prey drive and may take off after rabbits or squirrels if not leashed. Plus, it is illegal to take your dog out without a leash in most places.

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      Begin your jogging routine with your Airedale by jogging only a few hundred meters. Always stop before your dog slows down or otherwise seems exhausted.

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      Jog slowly so that your Airedale understands it is supposed to run alongside you rather than pulling on the leash.

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      Build distance gradually. Add a few hundred meters to your jog every week until your Airedale is running comfortably at the same distance as you.