How to Make the Decision to Lay Your Pet to Rest

Laying your pet to rest is one of the hardest decisions a pet owner must make. The decision is never simple and many pet owners worry about making the wrong choice. Watching your pet suffer is hard, yet putting your pet to sleep is difficult, too. Many factors play a part in the decision and they should be considered carefully. Knowing when it is finally time to say goodbye to your pet may make the decision easier.


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      Determine if your pet is in pain. If your pet is showing signs of pain -- refusing to eat, gasping, panting or a reluctance to move -- he may be suffering. Ask your veterinarian what you can do to make him more comfortable. If nothing can be done to ease his pain, it may be time to euthanize him.

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      Decide if your pet's quality of life is diminished. Older animals often lose interest in their favorite activities. They may become irritable, hide from humans or other animals and lose their appetites. These signs may indicate your pet is suffering or slowly dying.

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      Diagnose your pet's condition. If your pet is displaying symptoms of an illness, ask your veterinarian if it can be cured or treated. Some diseases have a lower chance of recovery than others and euthanasia may be the best option to avoid a long, painful death.

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      Decide whether your pet's aggressive behavior is a danger. Animals that display aggressive behavior toward other animals or humans have the potential to kill or seriously injure someone. If you have serious doubts your pet can control his behavior, euthanasia may be necessary to protect those around him.

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      Ask yourself if you are emotionally and financially able to care for your sick or aging pet. If you cannot afford expensive treatment or can't handle the emotional strain of caring for a sick pet, putting your pet to sleep may be a more humane option. Letting your pet suffer because you cannot do what needs to be done will only make his pain worse.