Flaky Dandruff on Dogs

Dog dandruff, or seborrhea, bears many similarities to human dandruff. While it is usually not painful or life-threatening, this skin condition can be unsightly, uncomfortable and can even aggravate pet allergies in humans. There are ways to treat and prevent canine dandruff, which will make your dog's coat healthy and shiny once again.
  1. Symptoms

    • If your dog has dandruff, its coat will contain flakes of dead skin that build up and shed constantly. You may notice his fur thinning in certain areas and any visible skin will appear dry and dull. Dogs with dandruff often scratch, lick and bite at their skin, which can cause redness, scabs and bald patches. They may also develop bumps, pimples and skin infections as a result of frequently scratching and biting irritated areas.


    • Dog dandruff is often caused by poor diet, which can result in a deficiency of vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids that would normally keep your dog's skin and coat healthy. Bathing your dog too frequently, or in water that is too hot, can also cause dandruff and dryness. Dog dandruff can occasionally be a symptom of other conditions that cause flaking and itching, such as fleas, mites, mange, yeast infections or ringworm. If you suspect that your dog's dandruff is caused by one of these conditions, consult a veterinarian.


    • To treat your dog's dandruff, feed it a high quality brand of dog food that is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins, or give your dog a vitamin supplement specially formulated for canines. A fish or flaxseed oil supplement for dogs will also benefit your dog's dry skin. If the dandruff is severe, you can obtain a medicated shampoo from your veterinarian, which you will typically use on your pet every other day for 10 days until the dandruff subsides. After bathing, spray your dog with an after-bath spray containing fatty acids or colloidal oatmeal.


    • To prevent dog dandruff, feed your pet a consistently healthy diet, and provide it with regular exercise. Avoid using hot water to bathe your dog, and never use shampoo for human hair, as this can alter the delicate pH balance of your dog's skin and aggravate dryness. Brush your dog's coat regularly with a soft brush to ensure healthy skin regrowth and distribute natural oils evenly. Even if you feel your dog is otherwise healthy, regular checkups performed by your veterinarian can prevent dandruff and similar conditions.