Natural Tapeworm Remedy That Works for Dogs

There are several different types of tapeworms, but they are all very similar. The most common tapeworm is the flea tapeworm, Dipylidium caninum. Fleas serve as a host for tapeworms, and when a dog ingests a flea or its eggs, as can happen when grooming itself, the tapeworms hatch in the dog's digestive system. Other tapeworms can be ingested in similar ways; other types are found in raw meat.

Tapeworms attach themselves to the dog's intestinal tract and absorb nutrients through their skin, causing the dog to become malnourished and lose weight. Other symptoms include diarrhea, scooting on the carpet or floor and vomiting.
  1. Oregon Grape Extract

    • Use Oregon grape extract as a natural tapeworm remedy. Give six drops for every 10 lbs. of body weight, twice a day for seven days. After seven days, discontinue its use for three days. If your dog's condition does not improve, begin the treatment again for another seven days. You can add the drops to meals or treats.

    Pumpkin Seeds

    • Pumpkin seeds can also treat tapeworms. Grind up whole, raw pumpkin seeds shortly before feeding your dog and mix them into its food. For a small dog, feed 1/4 tsp., for a medium dog, feed 1/2 tsp. and for a large dog, feed 1 tsp.. Not only are pumpkin seeds effective, they are very safe, and you can feed them with every meal until your dog's condition improves.


    • Adding fresh or powdered garlic to your dog's food will treat and prevent tapeworm infestations, as garlic also repels fleas. Garlic is often on the list of things you should never feed your dog, but dosing is key. In his book, "All You Ever Wanted to Know About Herbs for Pets," Gregory Tilford states that you can feed the dog 1/8 tsp. of garlic powder per pound of food, three to four times per week. Dr. Richard Pitcairn states in "The Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats" that one clove per 40 lbs. of body weight is a safe dosage. As with any herbal remedy, it's important to discontinue use for about two to three days every week or so.

      The compound that can cause anemia and death in dogs is found in larger amounts in onions, and in lesser amounts in garlic. A dog would need to ingest more than 0.5 percent of its body weight in onions to start the reaction that leads to anemia, meaning a 60-lb. dog would need to eat a 5-oz. onion or several cloves of garlic. Do not feed garlic to dogs that are anemic or puppies younger than 8 to 10 weeks old.

    Wheat Germ Oil

    • Wheat germ oil is a supplement you can add to your dog's food on a daily basis to prevent a tapeworm infestation. Use 1/4 tsp. for small dogs, 1/2 tsp. for medium dogs and 1 tsp. for large dogs.