What Can You Do About Dogs That May Become Agitated When Their Owner Leaves?

Dogs that become agitated when their owners are away may suffer from separation anxiety. Separation anxiety occurs when a dog has not been conditioned to being left alone for periods of time. When the owner leaves, the dog becomes nervous, agitated or even frantic, and may exhibit bad or destructive behaviors until the owner returns. Thankfully, there are many steps owners can take to calm their dogs when they are away that will help prevent separation anxiety.
  1. Prevention

    • The best thing any owner can do is to prevent a dog from initially becoming agitated in the first place. When you are around your dog, do not reward behavior like crying or jumping up on people with attention. This reward should be given when the dog is calm and quiet. Additionally, when most owners are at home, their dog is with them constantly. Make an effort to separate yourself from your dog when you are at home. This will help dogs understand that being separated from you is not unusual, unpleasant or stressful.


    • Dogs with separation anxiety might simply have too much pent-up energy. Solve this problem by ensuring your dog is getting enough daily exercise. Go on long walks or take your dog for a run. Allow dogs to run and play outside in a safe, enclosed area, and engage in games like fetch. Using energy productively through exercise will help dogs relax when their owners are gone.

    Provide Entertainment

    • Being left alone for long periods of time on a regular basis with nothing to do is a recipe for a bored, stressed and anxious dog. To keep your dog occupied when you are away, provide interactive toys to play with. Chew toys give a dog something to do and have the added benefit of being good for their teeth. Another option are Kong toys. A Kong is a toy that can be stuffed with different treats, such as peanut butter or yogurt. Place a stuffed Kong in the freezer and allow the food to harden inside. Offer the toy to your dog before you leave.

    Consider Companions

    • If you have no other pets and your dog is completely alone when you leave, consider bringing another dog into your family. Dogs are pack animals and may be comforted by the presence of another dog. Adding to your household is a serious decision, however, and you should not consider a second dog if the animal will only be used as a treatment for the first dog's anxiety. If a second dog is not an option for your lifestyle, arrange to hire a professional pet sitter to stay with your dog, or leave your dog with a friend while you are away.