How to Remove Skin Tags on a Dog's Leg

Just like their human counterparts, dogs can grow skins tags on the smooth parts of their bodies, including the inner leg. Depending on the size of the growth, a few treatments are available to safely remove an unsightly skin tag. If the skin tag is large, it is best to consult with a licensed veterinarian about treatment. However, if the tag is small, home remedies and over-the-counter treatments can be used be used to safely and inexpensively remove a growth on a dog's leg. Skin tags generally present no health threat; they are merely eyesores.


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      Speak with a veterinarian regarding a skin tag on a dog. If the skin tag is small and not a major cause of concern, ask the veterinarian for his recommendation as to the most effective home treatment. However, if the tag is growing rapidly or is contains colors such as pink, black or brown, a trip to a veterinarian for an examination is a good idea.

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      Ask another adult for help holding the animal down gently and tie-off a skin tag on a dog with a piece of dental floss. Tie the floss tightly around the base of the tag so that circulation is cut-off from the growth. After two to three days, the skin tag tissue will die and fall off on its own.

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      Remove a small skin tag with scissors. Sterilize the scissors and the area on the dog by swabbing them with alcohol. Use a topical anesthetic cream if desired, but most skin tags can be removed with little or no pain and only minor bleeding. Ask another adult for help holding the dog still while the skin tag is cut away. Use the sterilized scissors to carefully snip the skin tag away. If bleeding occurs after the skin tag is cut away from the dog's skin, apply pressure with a clean towel to help stop the bleeding quickly.